Your probabilities are not independent, your estimates mostly flow from a world model which seem to me to be flatly and clearly wrong.
The plainest examples seem to be assigning
We invent a way for AGIs to learn faster than humans
AGI inference costs drop below $25/hr (per human equivalent)
despite current models learning vastly faster than humans (training time of LLMs is not a human lifetime, and covers vastly more data) and the current nearing AGI and inference being dramatically cheaper and plummeting with algorithmic improvements. There is a general factor of progress, where progress leads to more progress, which you seem to be missing in the positive factors. For the negative, derailment that delays enough to push us out that far needs to be extreme, on the order of a full-out nuclear exchange, given more reasonable models of progress.
I’ll leave you with Yud’s preemptive reply:
Taking a bunch of number and multiplying them together causes errors to stack, especially when those errors are correlated.
Your probabilities are not independent, your estimates mostly flow from a world model which seem to me to be flatly and clearly wrong.
The plainest examples seem to be assigning
despite current models learning vastly faster than humans (training time of LLMs is not a human lifetime, and covers vastly more data) and the current nearing AGI and inference being dramatically cheaper and plummeting with algorithmic improvements. There is a general factor of progress, where progress leads to more progress, which you seem to be missing in the positive factors. For the negative, derailment that delays enough to push us out that far needs to be extreme, on the order of a full-out nuclear exchange, given more reasonable models of progress.
I’ll leave you with Yud’s preemptive reply:
Taking a bunch of number and multiplying them together causes errors to stack, especially when those errors are correlated.