I think many people in academia more or less share your viewpoint.
Obviously genetic engineering does add SOME additional risk of people coming to see human children like commodities, but in my view it’s massively outweighed by the potential benefits.
you end up with a child whose purpose is to fulfill the parameters of their human designers
I think whether or not people (and especially parents) view their children this way depends much more on cultural values and much less on technology.
There are already some parents who have very specific goals in mind for their children and work obsessively to realize them. This doesn’t always work that well, and I’m not sure it will work that well even with genetic engineering.
Sure we will EVENTUALLY be able to shape personality better with gene editing (though I would note we don’t really have the ability to do so currently), but human beings are very complicated. Gene editing is a fairly crude tool for shaping human behavior. You can twist the knobs for dozens of human traits, but I think anyone trying to predetermine their child’s future is going to be disappointed.
The tremendous effort involved in trying to fit the child to the design parameters betrays a lack of belief in the child’s inherent value as themselves, and they will be able to tell.
The thing about this argument is you could easily apply it to other interventions like medicines or education. “The tremendous effort involved in trying to fit the child to the design parameters through tutoring and a specialized education program betrays a lack of belief in the child’s inherent value as themselves, and they will be able to tell.”
Does working hard to give your child the best shot of a healthy, happy and productive life show a lack of true affection for them? I think it shows the exact opposite; you loved them so much that you were willing to go to extra lengths to give them the best life you could. I think this is no different than parents moving to America to give their child a chance at economic opportunity, or parents working extra shifts to send their children to a better school.
But no “super” people can exist in an ethical system where people are of equal intrinsic worth.
The term “super” is not a description of the relative moral worth of these future children. It is a description of their capabilities and prospects for a healthy life.
Good genes enable human productivity and happiness. They don’t determine moral worth. That exists independent of ability.
Confering a genetic immunity to HIV on a child might help them out, but it does not, for example, license them to win the trolly problem.
Agreed. I don’t get the sense we have any disagreement about the moral worth of people being tied to their genetics.
It’s written to explore the principle that there are no bad genes, only genes badly adapted to their environments, and our heroine is an aspiring apprentice baby designer with sickle cell. While it’s a challenging position to take, I’m not sure it’s a bad guiding principle for somebody made of genes.
I think we need to separate judgment of genes from judgment of the people who have them. You are not your genes. Sure they shape you and influence your experience of the world, but I think a lot of these kinds of books make the mistake of starting with the mistaken premise that our worth IS determined by our genes, and then ask how we can still be equal.
I think the premise is just wrong. It’s like saying that you are your trauma, or you are your leg injury. People are much deeper than their experiences or their predispositions, even if all those things have a strong influence on their behavior.
I think many people in academia more or less share your viewpoint.
Obviously genetic engineering does add SOME additional risk of people coming to see human children like commodities, but in my view it’s massively outweighed by the potential benefits.
I think whether or not people (and especially parents) view their children this way depends much more on cultural values and much less on technology.
There are already some parents who have very specific goals in mind for their children and work obsessively to realize them. This doesn’t always work that well, and I’m not sure it will work that well even with genetic engineering.
Sure we will EVENTUALLY be able to shape personality better with gene editing (though I would note we don’t really have the ability to do so currently), but human beings are very complicated. Gene editing is a fairly crude tool for shaping human behavior. You can twist the knobs for dozens of human traits, but I think anyone trying to predetermine their child’s future is going to be disappointed.
The thing about this argument is you could easily apply it to other interventions like medicines or education. “The tremendous effort involved in trying to fit the child to the design parameters through tutoring and a specialized education program betrays a lack of belief in the child’s inherent value as themselves, and they will be able to tell.”
Does working hard to give your child the best shot of a healthy, happy and productive life show a lack of true affection for them? I think it shows the exact opposite; you loved them so much that you were willing to go to extra lengths to give them the best life you could. I think this is no different than parents moving to America to give their child a chance at economic opportunity, or parents working extra shifts to send their children to a better school.
The term “super” is not a description of the relative moral worth of these future children. It is a description of their capabilities and prospects for a healthy life.
Good genes enable human productivity and happiness. They don’t determine moral worth. That exists independent of ability.
Agreed. I don’t get the sense we have any disagreement about the moral worth of people being tied to their genetics.
I think we need to separate judgment of genes from judgment of the people who have them. You are not your genes. Sure they shape you and influence your experience of the world, but I think a lot of these kinds of books make the mistake of starting with the mistaken premise that our worth IS determined by our genes, and then ask how we can still be equal.
I think the premise is just wrong. It’s like saying that you are your trauma, or you are your leg injury. People are much deeper than their experiences or their predispositions, even if all those things have a strong influence on their behavior.