Very cool, and useful. There’s another news innovation I’ve been enjoying— is chatgpt-ranked news stories, filtered to most novel, important, and credible. It does have links to sources, in addition to summaries.
I would LOVE to see a combination prediction market and news source. Either AI-generated links to relevant news stories, or better yet, links to prediction graphs relevant to news stories identified as interesting by some criteria.
The goal of The Base Rate Times is to be a combination of prediction markets and news aggregator. Right now on the site there are links to the latest stories with AI-generated bullet-point summaries.
I’ve been trying to link news stories to prediction markets, but still figuring out a more systematic way of doing it.
I am currently testing how to make AI article summaries even better. My goals are for AI to:
find historical data to contextualise the story
advise forecast updates based on the story
make counter-arguments
translate articles from e.g. Chinese
detect bias & cross-reference claims
Yes, I love News Minimalist and check it everyday! But I don’t want to just directly rip them off!
I’ve been thinking about how to use AI for news curation in a way that’s original and specific to The Base Rate Time’s mission (news via prediction markets).
Very cool, and useful. There’s another news innovation I’ve been enjoying— is chatgpt-ranked news stories, filtered to most novel, important, and credible. It does have links to sources, in addition to summaries.
I would LOVE to see a combination prediction market and news source. Either AI-generated links to relevant news stories, or better yet, links to prediction graphs relevant to news stories identified as interesting by some criteria.
The goal of The Base Rate Times is to be a combination of prediction markets and news aggregator. Right now on the site there are links to the latest stories with AI-generated bullet-point summaries.
I’ve been trying to link news stories to prediction markets, but still figuring out a more systematic way of doing it.
I am currently testing how to make AI article summaries even better. My goals are for AI to:
find historical data to contextualise the story
advise forecast updates based on the story
make counter-arguments
translate articles from e.g. Chinese
detect bias & cross-reference claims
Yes, I love News Minimalist and check it everyday! But I don’t want to just directly rip them off!
I’ve been thinking about how to use AI for news curation in a way that’s original and specific to The Base Rate Time’s mission (news via prediction markets).