PK: I like your system. One difficulty I notice is that you have thrust the states into the role of the omniscient player in the Newcomb problem. Since the states are unable to punish the members beyond expelling them. They are open to ‘hit and run’ tactics. They are left with the need to predict accurately which members and potential members will break a rule, ‘two box’, and be a net loss to the state with no possibility of punishment. They need to choose people who can one box and stay for the long haul. Executions and life imprisonment are simpler, from a game theoretic perspective.
PK: I like your system. One difficulty I notice is that you have thrust the states into the role of the omniscient player in the Newcomb problem. Since the states are unable to punish the members beyond expelling them. They are open to ‘hit and run’ tactics. They are left with the need to predict accurately which members and potential members will break a rule, ‘two box’, and be a net loss to the state with no possibility of punishment. They need to choose people who can one box and stay for the long haul. Executions and life imprisonment are simpler, from a game theoretic perspective.