Perhaps one thing you could do is just accept this drift is going to happen, and in the first usage of a jargon term in a document provide some kind of identifier which points to a clear definition somewhere. This would be a bit like citations and provide exactly the meaning the author intends. Punish people who do this without actually meaning it that way, or doing the citation and then using the word contrary to the cited definition.
If SJ people did this as standard and accepted that some people are old and going to use terms like “transexual” because that is what was standard when they learned it that would alleviate a lot of my issues with that particular corner of discourse.
Perhaps one thing you could do is just accept this drift is going to happen, and in the first usage of a jargon term in a document provide some kind of identifier which points to a clear definition somewhere. This would be a bit like citations and provide exactly the meaning the author intends. Punish people who do this without actually meaning it that way, or doing the citation and then using the word contrary to the cited definition.
If SJ people did this as standard and accepted that some people are old and going to use terms like “transexual” because that is what was standard when they learned it that would alleviate a lot of my issues with that particular corner of discourse.
Um, the whole point of SJ usage is to win arguments through intimidation, thus this would be conterproductive.