Sections #3-#18 are primarily about AI capabilities developments.
Sections #19-#28 are about the existential dangers of capabilities developments.
Sections #29-#30 are for fun to take us out.
Minor formatting suggestions:
Rather than listing these out in the executive summary, insofar as these are relatively clear-cut sections, I’d find it easier to navigate if they actually were section-headers, listed in both your post-table-of-contents as well as in the post.
Also, if you’re going to refer to things by number, include the number in the headers so that they show up in the LessWrong table of contents. (although, if you had just grouped things by section, looks like you wouldn’t have had much reason to refer to them by numbers, so, shrug)
Breaking the 30 items into sub-sections generally makes it easier to navigate, and IMO optimizing for usability with the LW ToC is worth it
Minor formatting suggestions:
Rather than listing these out in the executive summary, insofar as these are relatively clear-cut sections, I’d find it easier to navigate if they actually were section-headers, listed in both your post-table-of-contents as well as in the post.
Also, if you’re going to refer to things by number, include the number in the headers so that they show up in the LessWrong table of contents. (although, if you had just grouped things by section, looks like you wouldn’t have had much reason to refer to them by numbers, so, shrug)
Breaking the 30 items into sub-sections generally makes it easier to navigate, and IMO optimizing for usability with the LW ToC is worth it