Huh. This would need some elaboration, but this is definitely the most plausible way around the problem I’ve seen.
Now (in Savage’s formalism) actions are just functions from world-states to outcomes (maybe with a measurability condition), so regardless of your prior it’s easy to construct the relevant St. Petersburg gambles if the utility function is unbounded. But seems like what you’re saying is, if we don’t allow arbitrary actions, then the prior could be such that, not only are none of the permitted actions St. Petersburg gambles, but also this remains the case even after future updates. Interesting! Yeah, that just might be workable...
Huh. This would need some elaboration, but this is definitely the most plausible way around the problem I’ve seen.
Now (in Savage’s formalism) actions are just functions from world-states to outcomes (maybe with a measurability condition), so regardless of your prior it’s easy to construct the relevant St. Petersburg gambles if the utility function is unbounded. But seems like what you’re saying is, if we don’t allow arbitrary actions, then the prior could be such that, not only are none of the permitted actions St. Petersburg gambles, but also this remains the case even after future updates. Interesting! Yeah, that just might be workable...