Great example. In general, when there have been many votes, most people would do best to believe the consensus (assuming it is meaningful). But if everyone just then votes based on their updated opinion, they will just reinforce the consensus, making it meaningless. So I think your suggestion is right that you should vote your personal judgement, as it was before you were informed by the voting data.
I have occasionally argued that this is kind of a prisoner’s dilemma game. Cooperating means trying not to be persuaded by the consensus and voting your personal opinion. Defecting means updating from the consensus, thereby losing the ability to make an unbiased contribution to the collective.
I think this is very important we have a lot of people who are unsure and don’t vote, this I think is a relevant information that must be taken account of.
Great example. In general, when there have been many votes, most people would do best to believe the consensus (assuming it is meaningful). But if everyone just then votes based on their updated opinion, they will just reinforce the consensus, making it meaningless. So I think your suggestion is right that you should vote your personal judgement, as it was before you were informed by the voting data.
I have occasionally argued that this is kind of a prisoner’s dilemma game. Cooperating means trying not to be persuaded by the consensus and voting your personal opinion. Defecting means updating from the consensus, thereby losing the ability to make an unbiased contribution to the collective.
I think this is very important we have a lot of people who are unsure and don’t vote, this I think is a relevant information that must be taken account of.