Hold on, Johnicholas, isn´t there a slip in the calculation concerning the third reader, case 4? You say
Low, one vote up and one vote down: (6:4)(4:1)(1:4)(14) = (6:1), vote up
against judgement
...but shouldn’t this produce the answer (3:8) rather than (6:1)? The conclusion seems to be that as long as either the score is tied or “down” leads by one, readers will keep on voting according to their judgement, while as soon as either “up” leads by one or “down” leads by one, the next reader and all the following will ignore their judgements and follow suit.
Slightly more complicated, but still a great example!
Hold on, Johnicholas, isn´t there a slip in the calculation concerning the third reader, case 4? You say
Low, one vote up and one vote down: (6:4)(4:1)(1:4)(14) = (6:1), vote up against judgement
...but shouldn’t this produce the answer (3:8) rather than (6:1)? The conclusion seems to be that as long as either the score is tied or “down” leads by one, readers will keep on voting according to their judgement, while as soon as either “up” leads by one or “down” leads by one, the next reader and all the following will ignore their judgements and follow suit.
Slightly more complicated, but still a great example!
You are ENTIRELY CORRECT! I am embarrassed and I apologize.
I juggled the numbers repeatedly, trying to get a brief example that only uses numbers, not symbols; when it seemed like I had succeeded, I stopped.
I’ll think about how to correct the post.