Email sent. I’ll quote the relevant bit here, in case it turns out to affect her reply. (I did link to the conversation but I’m not sure she’ll follow the link.)
I am writing for a more interesting reason than just to keep in touch, though. One of the places I’ve been spending my time at online is a rationalist forum, and a few of the members were discussing abortion law. One of them suggested that the main reason that women who believe abortion is wrong support anti-abortion laws is that having such a law in place would reduce the temptation they’d feel if they had an unwanted pregnancy, as opposed to supporting such a law primarily to take rights away from others who may not share their beliefs. That didn’t sound to me like what you’ve talked about, but it has some interesting implications (it might be easier for you guys to get a law passed where women could voluntarily sign up to have abortion illegal for themselves, kind of like the laws that let gambling addicts sign up to not be allowed into casinos). What do you think?
Email sent. I’ll quote the relevant bit here, in case it turns out to affect her reply. (I did link to the conversation but I’m not sure she’ll follow the link.)