Curated. After reading this post, I’ve find my thoughts frequently reusing its concepts, and feel like it has significantly clarified my understanding of qualia as a physicalist concept. Mary’s room feels pretty strongly dissolved in my mind, and in a very elegant and concise form.
While I referenced this only relatively briefly in my post on integrating subagents, the way this post considerably weakened the distinction between receiving sense data and modifying your values on a conceptual level felt like an important additional element in my of understanding why people/subagents might want to resist belief updates.
Curated. After reading this post, I’ve find my thoughts frequently reusing its concepts, and feel like it has significantly clarified my understanding of qualia as a physicalist concept. Mary’s room feels pretty strongly dissolved in my mind, and in a very elegant and concise form.
While I referenced this only relatively briefly in my post on integrating subagents, the way this post considerably weakened the distinction between receiving sense data and modifying your values on a conceptual level felt like an important additional element in my of understanding why people/subagents might want to resist belief updates.
Cool. Glad it was useful!