I think a “subjective experience” (edit: in the sense that two people can have the same subjective experience; not a particular instantiation of one) is just a particular (edit: category in a) categorization of possible experiences, defined by grouping together experiences that put the [person] into similar states (under some metric of “similar” that we care about). This recovers the ability to talk about “lies about subjective experiences” within a physicalist worldview.
In this case, we could look at how the AI internally changes in response to various stimuli, and group the stimuli on the basis of similar induced states. If this grouping doesn’t match to its claims at all, then we can conclude that it is perhaps lying. (See: cleaving reality at its joints.) EDIT: Were you saying that AI cannot have subjective experience? Then I think this points at the crux; see my statements below about how I don’t see human subjectivity as fundamentally special.
Yes, this means that we can talk about any physical thing having a “subjective experience”. This is not a bug. The special thing about animals is that they have significant variance between different “subjective experiences”, whereas a rock will react very similarly to any stimuli that don’t break or boil it. Humans are different because they have very high meta-subjectivity and the ability to encode their “subjective experiences” into language. However, this still doesn’t match up very well to human intuitions: any sort of database or measurement device can be said to have significant “subjective experiences”. But my goal isn’t to describe human intuitions; it’s to describe the same thing that human intuitions describe. Human subjectivity doesn’t seem to be fundamentally different from that of any other physical system.
A lot of words but you don’t grapple with the hard problem of consciousness. When I look at the sun, how can you know I feel/see the same thing as you? Yes I’ll use words, ‘yellow’, ‘warm’, ‘bright’ etc because we’ve been taught those label what we are experiencing. But it says nothing about whether my experience is the same as yours.
What do you mean by “you don’t grapple with the hard problem of consciousness”? (Is this just an abstruse way of saying “no, you’re wrong” to set up the following description of how I’m wrong? In that case, I’m not sure you have a leg to stand on when you say that I use “a lot of words”.) Edit: to be a bit more charitable, maybe it means “my model has elements that my model of your model doesn’t model”.
How can you know I see the same thing that you do? That depends on what you mean by “same”. To me, to talk about whether things are the same, we need to specify what characteristics we care about, or what category system we’re using. I know what it means for two animals to be of the same species, and what it means for two people to have the same parent. But for any two things to be the same, period, doesn’t really mean anything on its own. (You could argue that everything is the same as itself, but that’s a trivial case.)
This might seem like I’m saying that there isn’t any fundamental truth, only many ways of splitting the world up into categories. Not exactly. I don’t think there’s any fundamental truth to categories. There might be fundamental monads, or something like that, but human subjective experiences are definitely not fundamental. (And what truths can even be said of a stateless monad when considered on its own?)
I think a “subjective experience” (edit: in the sense that two people can have the same subjective experience; not a particular instantiation of one) is just a particular (edit: category in a) categorization of possible experiences, defined by grouping together experiences that put the [person] into similar states (under some metric of “similar” that we care about). This recovers the ability to talk about “lies about subjective experiences” within a physicalist worldview.
In this case, we could look at how the AI internally changes in response to various stimuli, and group the stimuli on the basis of similar induced states. If this grouping doesn’t match to its claims at all, then we can conclude that it is perhaps lying. (See: cleaving reality at its joints.) EDIT: Were you saying that AI cannot have subjective experience? Then I think this points at the crux; see my statements below about how I don’t see human subjectivity as fundamentally special.
Yes, this means that we can talk about any physical thing having a “subjective experience”. This is not a bug. The special thing about animals is that they have significant variance between different “subjective experiences”, whereas a rock will react very similarly to any stimuli that don’t break or boil it. Humans are different because they have very high meta-subjectivity and the ability to encode their “subjective experiences” into language. However, this still doesn’t match up very well to human intuitions: any sort of database or measurement device can be said to have significant “subjective experiences”. But my goal isn’t to describe human intuitions; it’s to describe the same thing that human intuitions describe. Human subjectivity doesn’t seem to be fundamentally different from that of any other physical system.
A lot of words but you don’t grapple with the hard problem of consciousness. When I look at the sun, how can you know I feel/see the same thing as you? Yes I’ll use words, ‘yellow’, ‘warm’, ‘bright’ etc because we’ve been taught those label what we are experiencing. But it says nothing about whether my experience is the same as yours.
What do you mean by “you don’t grapple with the hard problem of consciousness”? (Is this just an abstruse way of saying “no, you’re wrong” to set up the following description of how I’m wrong? In that case, I’m not sure you have a leg to stand on when you say that I use “a lot of words”.) Edit: to be a bit more charitable, maybe it means “my model has elements that my model of your model doesn’t model”.
How can you know I see the same thing that you do? That depends on what you mean by “same”. To me, to talk about whether things are the same, we need to specify what characteristics we care about, or what category system we’re using. I know what it means for two animals to be of the same species, and what it means for two people to have the same parent. But for any two things to be the same, period, doesn’t really mean anything on its own. (You could argue that everything is the same as itself, but that’s a trivial case.)
This might seem like I’m saying that there isn’t any fundamental truth, only many ways of splitting the world up into categories. Not exactly. I don’t think there’s any fundamental truth to categories. There might be fundamental monads, or something like that, but human subjective experiences are definitely not fundamental. (And what truths can even be said of a stateless monad when considered on its own?)