Not all of the content needs to be from the most recent quarter. There could be classic articles too. But I think we might have enough content each quarter anyway. Let’s see...
Maybe not all of those are appropriate for a magazine (e.g. Bayes Theorem Illustrated is too long). So maybe swap a couple of them out for other ones. Then maybe add a few classic LessWrong articles (for example, Disguised Queries would make a good companion piece to Diseased Thinking), add a few pages of advertising and maybe some rationality quotes, and you’d have at least 30 pages. I know I’d buy it.
Well, I’d like to keep the diagrams if the article is to be used. I do like Bayes Theorem Illustrated and I think an explanation of Bayes Theorem is perfect content for the magazine. If I were designing the magazine I’d want to try to include it, maybe edited down in length.
Not all of the content needs to be from the most recent quarter. There could be classic articles too. But I think we might have enough content each quarter anyway. Let’s see...
There were about 120 posts to Less Wrong from April 1 to June 30. The top ten highest-voted were Diseased thinking: dissolving questions about disease by Yvain, Eight Short Studies On Excuses by Yvain, Ugh Fields by Roko, Bayes Theorem Illustrated by komponisto, Seven Shiny Stories by Alicorn, Ureshiku Naritai by Alicorn, The Psychological Diversity of Mankind by Kaj Sotala, Abnormal Cryonics by Will Newsome, Defeating Ugh Fields In Practice by Psychohistorian, and Applying Behavioral Pscyhology on Myself by John Maxwell IV.
Maybe not all of those are appropriate for a magazine (e.g. Bayes Theorem Illustrated is too long). So maybe swap a couple of them out for other ones. Then maybe add a few classic LessWrong articles (for example, Disguised Queries would make a good companion piece to Diseased Thinking), add a few pages of advertising and maybe some rationality quotes, and you’d have at least 30 pages. I know I’d buy it.
It’s not actually all that long; it’s just that the diagrams take up a lot of space.
Well, I’d like to keep the diagrams if the article is to be used. I do like Bayes Theorem Illustrated and I think an explanation of Bayes Theorem is perfect content for the magazine. If I were designing the magazine I’d want to try to include it, maybe edited down in length.