Diego, when you say:
“We also demand honor, respectability, resilience, accountability.”
By honor, respectability and resilience you mean them just as desirable moral properties, right ? (i.e. not properties one must have to be considered a self)
I’m saying we measure how much self someone has with basis on various heuristics, amongst them are social demands such as respectability, resilience and honor. It’s more about what is in the eye of the beholder.
Diego, when you say: “We also demand honor, respectability, resilience, accountability.” By honor, respectability and resilience you mean them just as desirable moral properties, right ? (i.e. not properties one must have to be considered a self)
I’m saying we measure how much self someone has with basis on various heuristics, amongst them are social demands such as respectability, resilience and honor. It’s more about what is in the eye of the beholder.