Roger Penrose predicts that attempts to create macroscale quantum superposition will fail because gravity will keep things with too much energy from being in two places at once. He’s a bit of a crackpot when it comes to quantum gravity, but it’ll be interesting to see him proven wrong. ;)
(Similarly, the occasional crackpot theory suggests that the “fair sampling assumption” of EPR tests should be systematically violated, and that our ability to make “better photon detectors” should hit a limit.)
Roger Penrose predicts that attempts to create macroscale quantum superposition will fail because gravity will keep things with too much energy from being in two places at once. He’s a bit of a crackpot when it comes to quantum gravity, but it’ll be interesting to see him proven wrong. ;)
(Similarly, the occasional crackpot theory suggests that the “fair sampling assumption” of EPR tests should be systematically violated, and that our ability to make “better photon detectors” should hit a limit.)