If you pick a single point in configuration space in the position basis, nothing has a specified momentum. If you pick a single point in the momentum basis, nothing has a specified position. If you pick a single point in the polarized-45-degrees basis, nothing has a specified 90-degree polarization. Decoherence gives us a preferred basis for our blobs of amplitude but that preferred basis is changing all the time and different for every particle. How’s this single-point trick going to work? And what does the epiphenomenal single point do that makes it realer than the causally powerful wavefunction?
Bob, either I’m missing something, or you are.
If you pick a single point in configuration space in the position basis, nothing has a specified momentum. If you pick a single point in the momentum basis, nothing has a specified position. If you pick a single point in the polarized-45-degrees basis, nothing has a specified 90-degree polarization. Decoherence gives us a preferred basis for our blobs of amplitude but that preferred basis is changing all the time and different for every particle. How’s this single-point trick going to work? And what does the epiphenomenal single point do that makes it realer than the causally powerful wavefunction?