Why do you need a distinction between new information and default assumptions? Why are default assumptions p=1?
If you know something, then assigning it p=1 makes sense...but assumption isn’t knowledge.
There’s a flaw in the conjunctive argument, in that assumes no knowledge of the propositions. Ten highly probable propositions can conjoin to a high probability, whereas two propositions with a default 0.5 each result in 0.25.
Why do you need a distinction between new information and default assumptions? Why are default assumptions p=1?
If you know something, then assigning it p=1 makes sense...but assumption isn’t knowledge.
There’s a flaw in the conjunctive argument, in that assumes no knowledge of the propositions. Ten highly probable propositions can conjoin to a high probability, whereas two propositions with a default 0.5 each result in 0.25.