Sure. Though I thought life insurance means something you get when you die. We have private enterprises that do retirement plans too. Maybe that is what you call “annuities”, or not.
Annuities refer to a fixed stream of payments for an extended term(life or a defined term, depending on the annuity). There’s also conventional retirement accounts, that are just a big pile of stocks and bonds that you sell when you want cash. Neither is capped in any non-Communist country I’ve ever heard of.
Sure. Though I thought life insurance means something you get when you die. We have private enterprises that do retirement plans too. Maybe that is what you call “annuities”, or not.
Annuities refer to a fixed stream of payments for an extended term(life or a defined term, depending on the annuity). There’s also conventional retirement accounts, that are just a big pile of stocks and bonds that you sell when you want cash. Neither is capped in any non-Communist country I’ve ever heard of.