Given the vast understanding we’re now coming to understand and appreciate with respect to our own cognitive biases, I’m wondering if it’s even possible to form a logically coherent statement, of any kind, that neither commits any of the known logical fallacies and cognitive biases. What would something like that even look like, and is it even possible, or will the furthest we’ll ever get is just minimizing our biases as much as we can to try and approximate our answers and results the best we can in mapping them onto reality?
Given the vast understanding we’re now coming to understand and appreciate with respect to our own cognitive biases, I’m wondering if it’s even possible to form a logically coherent statement, of any kind, that neither commits any of the known logical fallacies and cognitive biases. What would something like that even look like, and is it even possible, or will the furthest we’ll ever get is just minimizing our biases as much as we can to try and approximate our answers and results the best we can in mapping them onto reality?