I’ve been increasingly skeptical of Lifeboat Foundation, and have been meaning to write this up. Otto matches a number of items on the usual crank checklist, and his co-blogger Matt Funk matches even more. (Funk’s writings are amazingly cranky; he doesn’t mind posting rejections from ArXiv or including crank letters he’s sent to prime ministers or Warren Buffet or Paul Allen, IIRC.) And then there’s this stuff...
I’ve been increasingly skeptical of Lifeboat Foundation, and have been meaning to write this up. Otto matches a number of items on the usual crank checklist, and his co-blogger Matt Funk matches even more. (Funk’s writings are amazingly cranky; he doesn’t mind posting rejections from ArXiv or including crank letters he’s sent to prime ministers or Warren Buffet or Paul Allen, IIRC.) And then there’s this stuff...