(I agree that there’s an issue here with bucketing counter-evidence with social attack, and that a norm of providing evidence is preferable to a silent bucket error; also, it seems likely that there are belief-like claims that (1) are useful to make, even though at least by default they’re mixed in with social moves, and that (2) are difficult (costly, say) to provide evidence for. If such claims are common, it might be worth having an epistemic status that can contain that nuance, something like “this claim is acknowledged to be too costly for many pairs of people to reach Aumann agreement on, and shouldn’t yet function as a common knowledge belief among groups containing many such pairs, but it’s still what I think for what that’s worth”. Maybe there’s a short phrase that already means this, like “from my perspective...”, though sadly such things are always diluting.)
(I agree that there’s an issue here with bucketing counter-evidence with social attack, and that a norm of providing evidence is preferable to a silent bucket error; also, it seems likely that there are belief-like claims that (1) are useful to make, even though at least by default they’re mixed in with social moves, and that (2) are difficult (costly, say) to provide evidence for. If such claims are common, it might be worth having an epistemic status that can contain that nuance, something like “this claim is acknowledged to be too costly for many pairs of people to reach Aumann agreement on, and shouldn’t yet function as a common knowledge belief among groups containing many such pairs, but it’s still what I think for what that’s worth”. Maybe there’s a short phrase that already means this, like “from my perspective...”, though sadly such things are always diluting.)