The back rooms now look like more coworking space, no longer like thrift store
Various “suggested donation” things now really look like “suggested donation” less like “if you don’t pay this price you should be ashamed”
You seem less stressed
It seems REAC will turn into REACH, & similar
The impression I had before was more nuanced that how you possibly interpreted it at that time. I’m definitely pro “people need spaces”; I also believe how spaces feel have important and underappreciated influence on what people do in them. To somehow sum it, I like how things have changed.
Jan, I’m curious after seeing REACH again this month if you still have the same impression as before.
It seems to be moving in good direction! Things I noticed and like include
Seems a larger group of people is involved in the management of the place
It has a web separate from
The back rooms now look like more coworking space, no longer like thrift store
Various “suggested donation” things now really look like “suggested donation” less like “if you don’t pay this price you should be ashamed”
You seem less stressed
It seems REAC will turn into REACH, & similar
The impression I had before was more nuanced that how you possibly interpreted it at that time. I’m definitely pro “people need spaces”; I also believe how spaces feel have important and underappreciated influence on what people do in them. To somehow sum it, I like how things have changed.