After seeing it constantly referenced in the Sequences and elsewhere, I’ve picked up Kahneman and Tversky’s book/collection of papers Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. I was wondering if anyone here who’s read it or knows the subject would recommend any prefatory material so that it makes more sense/is more meaningful.
Personal background: [Personal information deleted] From that and from this site, I’m passingly familiar with e.g. the representativeness heuristic and Bayesian probability, but I’ve never had to use it much in any academic setting.
Background material for reading Judgment Under Uncertainty?
After seeing it constantly referenced in the Sequences and elsewhere, I’ve picked up Kahneman and Tversky’s book/collection of papers Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. I was wondering if anyone here who’s read it or knows the subject would recommend any prefatory material so that it makes more sense/is more meaningful.
Personal background: [Personal information deleted] From that and from this site, I’m passingly familiar with e.g. the representativeness heuristic and Bayesian probability, but I’ve never had to use it much in any academic setting.
Any advice before I delve into it?