Sorry, I had the impression that my posts were more helpful than unhelpful because my karma balance is above zero.
I’m not confident I’m interpreting karma right however since I rarely see upvoted posts but see many downvoted posts.
There is also evidence suggesting I am misinterpreting karma and that it is around zero:
don’t know exactly who you’re supposed to persuade, but your track record so far on LessWrong shows that you barely manage to break even with your karma, and that you lack the level of self-awareness of a socially well-adapted person. Whoever you successfully persuade would have to be even more oblivious than you, which is saying something.
Edit: also funny hearing this from you Lumifer. You’re a very prolific poster and most of your content isn’t probably the kind of information others are looking for. But extension of your logic, why don’t you boo people who speak different languages, or people selling goods you don’t want to buy yourself?
I had the impression that my posts were more helpful than unhelpful because my karma balance is above zero.
By removing the posts which individually have zero or negative karma you could have made the list half as long (and therefore more useful, per unit of time). I’d even say that post karma less than 3 is mere noise.
I reckon if that’s your opinion as a blanket policy just update your account preferences to not show posts with less than 3 karma. It defaults to not showing less than 2 in any case.
Dude, you ain’t Eliezer or Yvain, it’s a bit too early for you to start constructing Greatest Hits lists...
To be fair, if it helps someone find useful information, so much the better. If not, who does it harm?
It’s noise and so harms everyone who is actually looking for information or whose time has value.
Imagine if I started to post random extracts from Wikipedia onto LW. You argument would apply to them as well, would it not?
Sorry, I had the impression that my posts were more helpful than unhelpful because my karma balance is above zero.
I’m not confident I’m interpreting karma right however since I rarely see upvoted posts but see many downvoted posts.
There is also evidence suggesting I am misinterpreting karma and that it is around zero:
Edit: also funny hearing this from you Lumifer. You’re a very prolific poster and most of your content isn’t probably the kind of information others are looking for. But extension of your logic, why don’t you boo people who speak different languages, or people selling goods you don’t want to buy yourself?
I would boo people who came to LW and started having long public conversations in, say, German.
Besides, I think you’re confusing “I have a right to do X” and “doing X is a good idea”.
By removing the posts which individually have zero or negative karma you could have made the list half as long (and therefore more useful, per unit of time). I’d even say that post karma less than 3 is mere noise.
I reckon if that’s your opinion as a blanket policy just update your account preferences to not show posts with less than 3 karma. It defaults to not showing less than 2 in any case.