My personnal solution to this is to mostly use Anki for everything and anything.
It helps not loose my momentum: if I see my cards about the beginning of the articles about transformers it increases my chance of finishing the article
It garuantees that I never get the dreaded my knowledge is limited to a couple of related keywords ("self-attention", "encoder"/"decoder") with no real gears-level understanding of anything. feeling. Making it all the more easier to get back to reading.
In fact I hate the number 2 feeling so much that it was a huge motivation to really master Anki. (1300 day streak or so with no sign of regret whatsoever)
My personnal solution to this is to mostly use Anki for everything and anything.
It helps not loose my momentum: if I see my cards about the beginning of the articles about transformers it increases my chance of finishing the article
It garuantees that I never get the dreaded
my knowledge is limited to a couple of related keywords ("self-attention", "encoder"/"decoder") with no real gears-level understanding of anything.
feeling. Making it all the more easier to get back to reading.In fact I hate the number 2 feeling so much that it was a huge motivation to really master Anki. (1300 day streak or so with no sign of regret whatsoever)