There do seem to be more meetups globally, but I’d say the SF Bay Area meetup scene—where MIRI is based and many prominent contributors live or have lived—is well off its peaks. This is perhaps an unreasonable time to be saying so, since the South Bay and East Bay meetups have just gone through major shakeups and haven’t yet stabilized; but even ignoring that we’re well down from two or three years ago in terms of engagement with high-karma users, in terms of number of local meetup groups, and probably in terms of people as well.
There do seem to be more meetups globally, but I’d say the SF Bay Area meetup scene—where MIRI is based and many prominent contributors live or have lived—is well off its peaks. This is perhaps an unreasonable time to be saying so, since the South Bay and East Bay meetups have just gone through major shakeups and haven’t yet stabilized; but even ignoring that we’re well down from two or three years ago in terms of engagement with high-karma users, in terms of number of local meetup groups, and probably in terms of people as well.