I’ve noticed that when I’m at work (but still logged in), it shows me ‘upcoming meetups’ instead. My first guess, that I’ve made no attempt to confirm or disconfirm, is that it tries to determine your location from your IP address. If it succeeds it shows you ‘nearest meetups’, and if it fails it shows you ‘upcoming meetups’.
I feel like there should definitely be a link to ‘meetups’ next to ‘main’ and ‘discussion’. It’s so easy to miss things in the sidebar.
I’ve noticed that when I’m at work (but still logged in), it shows me ‘upcoming meetups’ instead.
Looks like it is the same for me—I posted the above comment from work, however, I see ‘Nearest Meetups’ now that I am home. Your theory sounds reasonable.
I currently see ‘nearest meetups’.
I’ve noticed that when I’m at work (but still logged in), it shows me ‘upcoming meetups’ instead. My first guess, that I’ve made no attempt to confirm or disconfirm, is that it tries to determine your location from your IP address. If it succeeds it shows you ‘nearest meetups’, and if it fails it shows you ‘upcoming meetups’.
I feel like there should definitely be a link to ‘meetups’ next to ‘main’ and ‘discussion’. It’s so easy to miss things in the sidebar.
I, too, expect this to reduce meetup turnout.
Looks like it is the same for me—I posted the above comment from work, however, I see ‘Nearest Meetups’ now that I am home. Your theory sounds reasonable.
philh is correct, and nothing I pushed should’ve changed the sidebar behaviour.
For those that are worried about meetup attendance being affected:
The sidebar should not be changed,
The list of upcoming meetups is still where it was at http://lesswrong.com/meetups/
How many people discover meetups through /r/discussion as opposed to the sidebar and /meetups? Perhaps I should poll this:
Before this change, how did you discover LW meetups? If none apply, please write in.