I found your blog, and I liked it, and it occurred to me that the mode of thinking and expression that’s common in feminist (or kinky, or gender-conscious) circles isn’t unrelated to the LessWrong mode. They’re different languages, but they’re similar in being explicit about social dynamics that are normally implicit, and encouraging people to self-modify their minds and second-guess their own thoughts in a way that provokes a knee-jerk “but that’s unnatural!” reaction in “normal” people. So maybe this is a good blog for feminists.
I found your blog, and I liked it, and it occurred to me that the mode of thinking and expression that’s common in feminist (or kinky, or gender-conscious) circles isn’t unrelated to the LessWrong mode. They’re different languages, but they’re similar in being explicit about social dynamics that are normally implicit, and encouraging people to self-modify their minds and second-guess their own thoughts in a way that provokes a knee-jerk “but that’s unnatural!” reaction in “normal” people. So maybe this is a good blog for feminists.