We need some expertise on this topic. I actually just wrote a post on exactly that point, yesterday. I also include some strategy ideas, and I’m curious if you agree with them. I think a post from you would probably be useful if you have relevant expertise; few people here probably do. I’d be happy to talk.
My background is extremely relevant here and if anybody in the alignment community would like help thinking through strategy, I’d love to be helpful.
^ can confirm! I volunteered for Spartz’s Nonlinear org a couple years ago, and he has a long history of getting big numbers on social media.
We need some expertise on this topic. I actually just wrote a post on exactly that point, yesterday. I also include some strategy ideas, and I’m curious if you agree with them. I think a post from you would probably be useful if you have relevant expertise; few people here probably do. I’d be happy to talk.