It can mean “stop doing the thing I consider low-status, and do more of what I like/approve instead”. This can be said to make one’s supposed low status a common knowledge. i.e. as an attack. It can also be a relatively well-meant advice to someone who seems to have a blind spot regarding how their actions impact their status. It can both at the same time.
It can also mean “your focus is so narrow that you are missing a lot of experience/data that would actually help you achieve your goal”, i.e. that you optimize prematurely in a way that creates an epistemic vicious cycle. Something you say to people trying to draw a map of the city from first principles, who are so busy with drawing that they have no time to actually look out of the window, or walk the streets of the city, which would make them immediately realize how utterly wrong their map is.
I suppose that “Get a Life” advice, like many general sayings, is useful in some situations and harmful in others.
It can mean “stop doing the thing I consider low-status, and do more of what I like/approve instead”. This can be said to make one’s supposed low status a common knowledge. i.e. as an attack. It can also be a relatively well-meant advice to someone who seems to have a blind spot regarding how their actions impact their status. It can both at the same time.
It can also mean “your focus is so narrow that you are missing a lot of experience/data that would actually help you achieve your goal”, i.e. that you optimize prematurely in a way that creates an epistemic vicious cycle. Something you say to people trying to draw a map of the city from first principles, who are so busy with drawing that they have no time to actually look out of the window, or walk the streets of the city, which would make them immediately realize how utterly wrong their map is.