I would like to say that there’s a study group being formed in the AI Alignment Slack server with similar intentions! If you are not a part of that server and would like to join, feel free to email me at melembroucarlitos@gmail.com telling me a bit about yourself and your hopes and intentions and I’ll send you an invite.
I would like to say that there’s a study group being formed in the AI Alignment Slack server with similar intentions! If you are not a part of that server and would like to join, feel free to email me at melembroucarlitos@gmail.com telling me a bit about yourself and your hopes and intentions and I’ll send you an invite.
Alternatively you may want to join here: https://join.slack.com/t/ai-alignment/shared_invite/zt-fkgwbd2b-kK50z~BbVclOZMM9UP44gw
Thanks, Pablo. This invite worked. Good to know that there’s already such a big community.
Thanks for sharing Lucas, I’ll shoot you a message.
What is your part in all of this, are you a learner too?