I’ve searched a few related terms in Less Wrong, and I can’t seem to find the article I’m looking for. It’s an Eliezer post that describes a process of drawing a map of a city, and how you can’t do it with the blinds closed, you have to actually go out and look at the city.
I’ve found the wiki definition page, and I’ve found articles that look like they refer to the original in the way Eliezer often refers to his earlier metaphors, but I could have sworn there was a shortish article that specifically introduced it.
(Is it possible that my map is simply wrong and the original parable was only a small portion of a larger post?)
Which is the the article that describes drawing the map of the city?
I’ve searched a few related terms in Less Wrong, and I can’t seem to find the article I’m looking for. It’s an Eliezer post that describes a process of drawing a map of a city, and how you can’t do it with the blinds closed, you have to actually go out and look at the city.
I’ve found the wiki definition page, and I’ve found articles that look like they refer to the original in the way Eliezer often refers to his earlier metaphors, but I could have sworn there was a shortish article that specifically introduced it.
(Is it possible that my map is simply wrong and the original parable was only a small portion of a larger post?)