One of the more contrarian claims of the book is that intermediate level nuclear waste is actually safe.
The editors of Britain’s online tech webzine point out: ”Most intermediate level waste is barely radioactive at all. If you put a completely legal luminous watch in a barrel containing half a tonne of dirt, that dirt would technically be intermediate-level nuclear waste according to the regulations. … Despite the fact that it is not radiologically dangerous in any realistic way, “intermediate level nuclear waste must nonetheless be expensively processed, packaged, securely stored in a special geological vault.”
Is this true? Seems like this claim needs a stronger backup than an online tech webzine editor opinion.
One of the more contrarian claims of the book is that intermediate level nuclear waste is actually safe.
Is this true? Seems like this claim needs a stronger backup than an online tech webzine editor opinion.
I opened a Skeptics.SE question for the claim.