Someone suggested these resources:
UCI Machine Learning Repository
MLPerf, which is apparently now part of MLCommons
Stanford DAWN Deep Learning Benchmark (DAWNBench) ·
deepmind/lab: A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research
They specifically suggested “ALE/DMLab for DRL” but I couldn’t find an obvious result for “ALE” when I searched for it. (It’s a common acronym!)
ALE is doubtless the Atari Learning Environment. I’ve never seen an ‘ALE’ in DRL discussions which refers to something else.
Thanks! Of course you would know :)
Someone suggested these resources:
UCI Machine Learning Repository
MLPerf, which is apparently now part of MLCommons
Stanford DAWN Deep Learning Benchmark (DAWNBench) ·
deepmind/lab: A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research
They specifically suggested “ALE/DMLab for DRL” but I couldn’t find an obvious result for “ALE” when I searched for it. (It’s a common acronym!)
ALE is doubtless the Atari Learning Environment. I’ve never seen an ‘ALE’ in DRL discussions which refers to something else.
Thanks! Of course you would know :)