Recently, Raginrayguns and Philosophy Bear both [presumably] read “Cargo Cult Science” [not necessarily for the first time] on /r/slatestarcodex. I follow both of them, so I looked into it. And TIL that’s where “cargo-culting” comes from. He doesn’t say why it’s wrong, he just waves his hands and says it doesn’t work and it’s silly. Well, now I feel silly. I’ve been cargo-culting “cargo-culting”. I’m a logical decision theorist. Cargo cults work. If they work unreliably, so do reductionistic methods.
Recently, Raginrayguns and Philosophy Bear both [presumably] read “Cargo Cult Science” [not necessarily for the first time] on /r/slatestarcodex. I follow both of them, so I looked into it. And TIL that’s where “cargo-culting” comes from. He doesn’t say why it’s wrong, he just waves his hands and says it doesn’t work and it’s silly. Well, now I feel silly. I’ve been cargo-culting “cargo-culting”. I’m a logical decision theorist. Cargo cults work. If they work unreliably, so do reductionistic methods.
used before, e.g. Feynman:
? Yes, that is the bad post I am rebutting.
oh, sorry, I thought slatestar codex wrote something about it and you were saying that’s where it comes from