This could be a consequence of the way ideas spread within populations, typically in overlapping s-curves as the idea passes to increasingly mainstream audiences (these combined s-curves themselves create one large s-curve). At the beginning of the s-curve within a population, people are trying to understand the idea (more google scholar searches), in the middle, people are actively using the idea to create advances (more google scholar articles), at the end of the s-curve, people are assuming the idea in order to build more complex topics (one line mention in google scholar articles).
It seems like there may likely be a continued exponential s-curve for larger populations, but the idea may first have to “cross the chasm” from early adopters—IE, the broader trend will still be exponential but you should expect a decline as the tails of the s-curves overlap.
This could be a consequence of the way ideas spread within populations, typically in overlapping s-curves as the idea passes to increasingly mainstream audiences (these combined s-curves themselves create one large s-curve). At the beginning of the s-curve within a population, people are trying to understand the idea (more google scholar searches), in the middle, people are actively using the idea to create advances (more google scholar articles), at the end of the s-curve, people are assuming the idea in order to build more complex topics (one line mention in google scholar articles).
It seems like there may likely be a continued exponential s-curve for larger populations, but the idea may first have to “cross the chasm” from early adopters—IE, the broader trend will still be exponential but you should expect a decline as the tails of the s-curves overlap.