(also, lol at this being voted into negative! Giving karma as encouragement seems like a great thing. It’s the whole point of it. It’s even a venerable LW tradition, and was how people incentivised participation in the annual community surveys in the elden days)
The LW survey is something that has broad buy-in. In-general promising to upvote others distorts the upvote signal (since like, people could very easily manufacture lots of karma by just upvoting each others), so there is a prior against this kind of stuff that sometimes can be overcome.
(also, lol at this being voted into negative! Giving karma as encouragement seems like a great thing. It’s the whole point of it. It’s even a venerable LW tradition, and was how people incentivised participation in the annual community surveys in the elden days)
The LW survey is something that has broad buy-in. In-general promising to upvote others distorts the upvote signal (since like, people could very easily manufacture lots of karma by just upvoting each others), so there is a prior against this kind of stuff that sometimes can be overcome.