A few things. First, the primary reason I want new people to visit LessWrong is to contribute to the ongoing conversation about rationality and related ideas, and so that’s what I want logged-out users to see rather than a bunch of recency-based content. Second, I want a simple rule that prevents us from going down the gradient of having lots of things on the frontpage that want to ask you for your time or money, and that have any sense of being Out to Get You. I think a lot of projects are like this, especially those asking for donations (not present here).
I think this isn’t too costly for the existing community because many logged in users have turned off the frontpage filter, and also they’ll see discussion in recent discussion if they check regularly. But should I take it as a datapoint that you didn’t see this post when it originally was posted?
A few things. First, the primary reason I want new people to visit LessWrong is to contribute to the ongoing conversation about rationality and related ideas, and so that’s what I want logged-out users to see rather than a bunch of recency-based content. Second, I want a simple rule that prevents us from going down the gradient of having lots of things on the frontpage that want to ask you for your time or money, and that have any sense of being Out to Get You. I think a lot of projects are like this, especially those asking for donations (not present here).
I think this isn’t too costly for the existing community because many logged in users have turned off the frontpage filter, and also they’ll see discussion in recent discussion if they check regularly. But should I take it as a datapoint that you didn’t see this post when it originally was posted?