Awesome blog post especially the parts about using university as a method of changing social class.
I also noticed that it would work as a good method of breaching into new cultures such as joining hacker culture as a programmer or acclimating to US culture as an international student.
Discussion of how to use college to get what you want from it, with rather a lot about the details you need to think about and check. For example, if you’re looking for a degree for a profession, it’s important to find out whether a particular degree meets the requirement—and if you’re hoping to make money from a profession, you need to check on whether the money’s actually there.
Awesome blog post especially the parts about using university as a method of changing social class.
I also noticed that it would work as a good method of breaching into new cultures such as joining hacker culture as a programmer or acclimating to US culture as an international student.
excellent post. I will read it through a second time when I can sit down and analyse it.