science realism/constructivism,
what is math?,
a priori knowledge?,
analytic synthetic division,
proper name/description.
Are the ones I have decided on. Anyone have any more suggestions? I’m all ears. Just remember I’m trying to go for stuff that there isn’t already a lot of on LW, and that analytics do not agree on with 2/3ds consensus.
Sure, at least ten of those are going on.
Universals/nominalism, grue/Induction, correspondence/deflationary/corehtist, science realism/constructivism, what is math?, a priori knowledge?, analytic synthetic division, proper name/description.
Are the ones I have decided on. Anyone have any more suggestions? I’m all ears. Just remember I’m trying to go for stuff that there isn’t already a lot of on LW, and that analytics do not agree on with 2/3ds consensus.
Modality & Possible Worlds? The Problem of Perception? A-theory/B-theory?