Great idea! Can’t wait for the SHOWDOWN!
Suggestions for topics: Whether an hypothesis is considerably strengthened (not just corroborate) by not being falsified in an experiment.
Whether induction is logically justifiable.
Haven’t studied that much philosophy, so I’m not really sure what the current state of opinion amongst analytic philosophers. . .
Those aren’t so much open problems as vague and ambiguous problems. If you tighten up those problems there are other disciplines that have a more or less consensus answer.
Great idea! Can’t wait for the SHOWDOWN!
Suggestions for topics: Whether an hypothesis is considerably strengthened (not just corroborate) by not being falsified in an experiment.
Whether induction is logically justifiable.
Haven’t studied that much philosophy, so I’m not really sure what the current state of opinion amongst analytic philosophers. . .
Those aren’t so much open problems as vague and ambiguous problems. If you tighten up those problems there are other disciplines that have a more or less consensus answer.