Reserve soldiers in Israel are paid their full salaries by national insurance. If they are also able to work (which is common as the IDF isn’t great at efficiently using it’s manpower) they can legally work and will get paid by their company on top of whatever they receive from national insurance.
Given how often sensible policies aren’t implemented because of their optics, it’s worth appreciating those cases where that doesn’t happen. The biggest impact of a war on Israel is to the economy, and anything which encourages people to work rather than waste time during a war is a good policy. But it could so easily have been rejected because it implies soldiers are slacking off from their reserve duties.
Reserve soldiers in Israel are paid their full salaries by national insurance. If they are also able to work (which is common as the IDF isn’t great at efficiently using it’s manpower) they can legally work and will get paid by their company on top of whatever they receive from national insurance.
Given how often sensible policies aren’t implemented because of their optics, it’s worth appreciating those cases where that doesn’t happen. The biggest impact of a war on Israel is to the economy, and anything which encourages people to work rather than waste time during a war is a good policy. But it could so easily have been rejected because it implies soldiers are slacking off from their reserve duties.