I imagine the kids who didn’t wait for the 2nd marshmellow in the original experiment had already been tricked numerous times by authority figures (parents, preachers, teachers, etc) & so had been pre-conditioned to expect deception. It doesn’t surprise me at all that children with unreliable authority figures end up performing worse as adults. The ACE (Adverse childhood experiences) study shows that mistreatment as a kid correlates with social, emotional, & cognitive impairment, increases risk for adoption of health-risk behaviors, and increases risk for disease, disability, & social problems.
I imagine the kids who didn’t wait for the 2nd marshmellow in the original experiment had already been tricked numerous times by authority figures (parents, preachers, teachers, etc) & so had been pre-conditioned to expect deception. It doesn’t surprise me at all that children with unreliable authority figures end up performing worse as adults. The ACE (Adverse childhood experiences) study shows that mistreatment as a kid correlates with social, emotional, & cognitive impairment, increases risk for adoption of health-risk behaviors, and increases risk for disease, disability, & social problems.