G’day LW
Im an Aussie currently studying at the Australian National University in Canberra. My name is Sam and i should point out that the ‘G’day’ is just for fun, most Australians never use that phase and it kinda makes me cringe.
At at this very moment i’m trying to finish my thesis on the foundations of inductive reasoning, which i guess is pretty relevant to this community. A big part of my thesis is to translate a lot of very technical mathematics regarding Bayesianism and Sollomonoff induction into philosophical and intuitive explanations, so this whole site is really useful to me in just seeing how people think about rationalism and the mechanics of beliefs.
Although I my entire degree has been focused on the rational side of the human spectrum I remain alot more open minded and I think our entire education system regards math and physics too highly and does not leave enough room for creativity. Although create subjects exist in the arts, the generally culture is to regard them as intellectually inferior in some sense which has led to a hugely skewed idea of intelligence.
The saying goes “the map is not the territory” and although we can continually refine our maps through science and math I think truly understanding the territory can only be achieved through direct experience.
Im also very worried about the state of the world and It is exactly through rational open forums such as this that much needed progress can be discussed and advanced.
I guess i have a lot to say and instead of posting it here I should save it for an actual post, whenever i get time. But Its refreshing to see such an interesting online community amongst the seemingly endless rubbish on the net.
Welcome to Less Wrong! I think you might be interested in these posts of mine, where I develop some standard and non-standard interpretations of probability theory. Let me know what you think. (BTW, I think you misspelled Solomonoff ’s name?)
G’day LW Im an Aussie currently studying at the Australian National University in Canberra. My name is Sam and i should point out that the ‘G’day’ is just for fun, most Australians never use that phase and it kinda makes me cringe.
At at this very moment i’m trying to finish my thesis on the foundations of inductive reasoning, which i guess is pretty relevant to this community. A big part of my thesis is to translate a lot of very technical mathematics regarding Bayesianism and Sollomonoff induction into philosophical and intuitive explanations, so this whole site is really useful to me in just seeing how people think about rationalism and the mechanics of beliefs.
Although I my entire degree has been focused on the rational side of the human spectrum I remain alot more open minded and I think our entire education system regards math and physics too highly and does not leave enough room for creativity. Although create subjects exist in the arts, the generally culture is to regard them as intellectually inferior in some sense which has led to a hugely skewed idea of intelligence.
The saying goes “the map is not the territory” and although we can continually refine our maps through science and math I think truly understanding the territory can only be achieved through direct experience.
Im also very worried about the state of the world and It is exactly through rational open forums such as this that much needed progress can be discussed and advanced.
I guess i have a lot to say and instead of posting it here I should save it for an actual post, whenever i get time. But Its refreshing to see such an interesting online community amongst the seemingly endless rubbish on the net.
Welcome to Less Wrong! I think you might be interested in these posts of mine, where I develop some standard and non-standard interpretations of probability theory. Let me know what you think. (BTW, I think you misspelled Solomonoff ’s name?)
Probability Space & Aumann Agreement
What Are Probabilities, Anyway?