Education: B. Tech (Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Technology), currently studying towards a D. Phil. in Organic Chemistry
I grew up in India but in a family where religion was never forced on the individual. I think I became a rationalist the day I started countering superstition and its evils through reasoning. Now as a scientist I find myself rationalising every experimental outcome. As a chemist, I get angry every so often when I have to settle for an empirical outcome over a rational one.
I was introduced to less wrong by alexflint with whom I co-author a blog. I have always been interested in philosophy and hope to take it up as a subject of study very soon.
Thanks for the welcome. I had a few simple questions. How to get bullet points in comments? How to make text into hyperlinks? and How to get that blue line on the left margin when quoting something?
Much of it is explained by the text that appears when you click the “Help” link below the comment. (Look below the text window at the right.) But to do those three things specifically:
Bulletted lists: Put an asterisk (*) at the beginning of each line corresponding to an item on the list. Edit: You may need to put a space after the asterisk.
Name: Akshat Rathi
Location: Oxford, UK
Age: 22
Education: B. Tech (Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Technology), currently studying towards a D. Phil. in Organic Chemistry
I grew up in India but in a family where religion was never forced on the individual. I think I became a rationalist the day I started countering superstition and its evils through reasoning. Now as a scientist I find myself rationalising every experimental outcome. As a chemist, I get angry every so often when I have to settle for an empirical outcome over a rational one.
I was introduced to less wrong by alexflint with whom I co-author a blog. I have always been interested in philosophy and hope to take it up as a subject of study very soon.
Welcome! I’m sure we’ll be glad to get your input.
Incidentally, if you’re interested in checking out some of the posts, there are a couple places which are quite good to start:
The About page, which has a list of sample posts, mostly written by Eliezer Yudkowsky and imported from Overcoming Bias, and
The Top Rated page, which includes many very good posts from the recent, Less Wrong era.
Thanks for the welcome. I had a few simple questions. How to get bullet points in comments? How to make text into hyperlinks? and How to get that blue line on the left margin when quoting something?
Much of it is explained by the text that appears when you click the “Help” link below the comment. (Look below the text window at the right.) But to do those three things specifically:
Bulletted lists: Put an asterisk (*) at the beginning of each line corresponding to an item on the list. Edit: You may need to put a space after the asterisk.
Hyperlinks: Put the text you want visible in square brackets, then immediately after (no space) the URL in parentheses. Thus: [Three Worlds Collide]( becomes Three Worlds Collide.
Blockquotes: Put a greater-than (>) sign at the beginning of each quoted line (including blank lines between paragraphs).
The full specification of the Markdown Syntax has more detail.
Comments use markdown formatting. It’s very similar to how one might format an email.