He had all the thoughts I wanted to have, but wasn’t smart enough to.
You are 17. See Yudkowsky_1998, there is room for improvement at any age.
Yeah, you’re right. The difference is, he made mistakes that I also wouldn’t have thought of, and expressed himself better as he did so.
Hey, I’m not despairing that I’ll ever be cool, just find it unlikely I’ll ever be as cool as him.
”You don’t become great by trying to be great. You become great by wanting to do something, and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process.”
-- Randall Munroe
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You are 17. See Yudkowsky_1998, there is room for improvement at any age.
Yeah, you’re right. The difference is, he made mistakes that I also wouldn’t have thought of, and expressed himself better as he did so.
Hey, I’m not despairing that I’ll ever be cool, just find it unlikely I’ll ever be as cool as him.
”You don’t become great by trying to be great. You become great by wanting to do something, and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process.”
-- Randall Munroe