I’m a 22-year-old undergraduate senior, majoring in physics, planning to graduate in May and go to graduate school for experimental high energy physics. I also have studied applied math, computer science, psychology, and politics. I like science fiction and fantasy novels, good i.e. well-written TV, comic books, and the occasional video game. I’ve been an atheist and science enthusiast since the age of 10, and I’ve pursued rational philosophy since high school.
I got here via HPMoR, lurked since around the time Chapter 10 was posted, and found that a lot of the ideas resonated with my own conclusions about rationality. I still don’t have a firm grasp on all of the vocabulary that gets used here, so if it seems like I’m expressing usual ideas in an unusual way, that’s the reason.
I’m a 22-year-old undergraduate senior, majoring in physics, planning to graduate in May and go to graduate school for experimental high energy physics. I also have studied applied math, computer science, psychology, and politics. I like science fiction and fantasy novels, good i.e. well-written TV, comic books, and the occasional video game. I’ve been an atheist and science enthusiast since the age of 10, and I’ve pursued rational philosophy since high school.
I got here via HPMoR, lurked since around the time Chapter 10 was posted, and found that a lot of the ideas resonated with my own conclusions about rationality. I still don’t have a firm grasp on all of the vocabulary that gets used here, so if it seems like I’m expressing usual ideas in an unusual way, that’s the reason.