Banned? Not that I know of. But there have certainly been Christians who have been serially downvoted, perhaps more than they deserved.
“Hate” may be too strong a word, but the original poster’s meaning seems to lean closer to “openly intolerant”, which is true and partially justified.
EDIT: Looking back, the original poster was asking if they would be banned, not claiming so. So that doesn’t seem to be a valid criticism.
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Banned? Not that I know of. But there have certainly been Christians who have been serially downvoted, perhaps more than they deserved.
“Hate” may be too strong a word, but the original poster’s meaning seems to lean closer to “openly intolerant”, which is true and partially justified.
EDIT: Looking back, the original poster was asking if they would be banned, not claiming so. So that doesn’t seem to be a valid criticism.