Oh,sorry, I see…
Well, overcoming this worldview consisted mainly of reading some sequences of Eliezer:-)
And remember that I wasn’t a New-Age crackpot. I had only very mild mystic experiences, but these alone lead me to question the nature of consiousness, the universe etc..
So for me it was not really difficult, but I imagine that really radical experiences make you “immune” to a naturalistic, atheistic explanation. I think Yvain made a similar experience with hashish (This post also convinced me that mystic experiences are only strange realignments of neurological processes )
Well, maybe I will write a post in the future that discusses risks and benefits of psychedelic drugs and meditation. But first I have to read the remaining sequences of Eliezer, which will be time-consuming enough:-)
Oh,sorry, I see… Well, overcoming this worldview consisted mainly of reading some sequences of Eliezer:-) And remember that I wasn’t a New-Age crackpot. I had only very mild mystic experiences, but these alone lead me to question the nature of consiousness, the universe etc.. So for me it was not really difficult, but I imagine that really radical experiences make you “immune” to a naturalistic, atheistic explanation.
I think Yvain made a similar experience with hashish (This post also convinced me that mystic experiences are only strange realignments of neurological processes ) Well, maybe I will write a post in the future that discusses risks and benefits of psychedelic drugs and meditation. But first I have to read the remaining sequences of Eliezer, which will be time-consuming enough:-)