I’m Paul Tiffany, the Executive Director of a new non-profit organization called the Teme Foundation. Teme leverages undergraduates to advance multidisciplinary interactions between information technologies and new IT disciplines: Our pilot project, designed by Dr. Goertzel, is a computational biological study of CR gene expression datasets using openbiomind.
Teme is trying to bridge an existing gap between the memetic influence of our existing brands and academia. To a large degree, Teme’s mission is the same as that of a recently founded executive education program, centered instead on the magnitude of work undergraduates can contribute to this end.
Teme’s main focus is to create an undergraduate research initiative, where two classes of members (undergraduates and advisors) can create, volunteer for, finance, and promote worthwhile projects. While the site is currently in pre-alpha, we hope to bring a flexible incentive structure for grants and scholarships, including Diamandis-style prizes, microphilanthropy, and other wikinomic innovations.
My own work centers on the Friendliness Problem, which I address through a theoretical model for heredity in economic systems (heredity has been postulated extensively, but not modeled). Whist attempting to facilitate other undergraduate research, I am utilizing Teme to find advisors for what is, in principle, dangerous knowledge.
Our website is http://temetics.org There you’ll find a splash page (we’re hoping to have a coordinated launch) with my contact info (also here). We’re getting a lot of support from the Immortality Institute in initializing Teme, but considering the Foundation’s mission is more in-line with the interests of those here, I’m spamming you all for any help you can give.
We’re trying to coordinate a launch for TemeUVa on Friday, April 24 at 5pm EST. The agenda isn’t set in stone yet, but we’re looking for guest speakers (and lurkers) if you’re interested in participating or know any celebrities.
Please email me to join the pre-alpha team, learn about our meetings, join an email list, submit research project ideas, etc. etc. There’s so much work to be done, and I personally would love the sober enthusiasm this site’s denizens can bring.
I’m Paul Tiffany, the Executive Director of a new non-profit organization called the Teme Foundation. Teme leverages undergraduates to advance multidisciplinary interactions between information technologies and new IT disciplines: Our pilot project, designed by Dr. Goertzel, is a computational biological study of CR gene expression datasets using openbiomind.
Teme is trying to bridge an existing gap between the memetic influence of our existing brands and academia. To a large degree, Teme’s mission is the same as that of a recently founded executive education program, centered instead on the magnitude of work undergraduates can contribute to this end.
Teme’s main focus is to create an undergraduate research initiative, where two classes of members (undergraduates and advisors) can create, volunteer for, finance, and promote worthwhile projects. While the site is currently in pre-alpha, we hope to bring a flexible incentive structure for grants and scholarships, including Diamandis-style prizes, microphilanthropy, and other wikinomic innovations.
My own work centers on the Friendliness Problem, which I address through a theoretical model for heredity in economic systems (heredity has been postulated extensively, but not modeled). Whist attempting to facilitate other undergraduate research, I am utilizing Teme to find advisors for what is, in principle, dangerous knowledge.
Our website is http://temetics.org There you’ll find a splash page (we’re hoping to have a coordinated launch) with my contact info (also here). We’re getting a lot of support from the Immortality Institute in initializing Teme, but considering the Foundation’s mission is more in-line with the interests of those here, I’m spamming you all for any help you can give.
We’re having a meeting with Justin Loew, the Executive Director of the Immortality Institute, today, April 16 at 5pm EST: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sunday-evening-update
We’re trying to coordinate a launch for TemeUVa on Friday, April 24 at 5pm EST. The agenda isn’t set in stone yet, but we’re looking for guest speakers (and lurkers) if you’re interested in participating or know any celebrities.
Please email me to join the pre-alpha team, learn about our meetings, join an email list, submit research project ideas, etc. etc. There’s so much work to be done, and I personally would love the sober enthusiasm this site’s denizens can bring.